
Arm exercises for the new Wheelchair user

child using a wheelchair
Author- judith Nassaazi

Arm strength is very crucial when you are using a wheelchair as your arms are what propel you forward. Therefore arm exercises for the new manual wheelchair users are very crucial.

It’s very important to keep your core and arms very fit if you use a wheelchair to get around. Arm exercises for the new manual wheelchair user will include exercises for your biceps, triceps, and muscles that make up your core.

Using a wheelchair puts an increased demand on your shoulders, arms, and upper trunk muscles therefore this overuse can lead to dysfunction and joint pains. So it goes without saying that there is a need to strengthen both the core and arms in these routines.

Do you need to see a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon?

It’s important to do these arm exercises with the guidance of a physiotherapist or a personal trainer who is familiar with dealing with people in a wheelchair.

An upright posture is also important while you train in order to achieve stability and prevent injury.

These are some of the arms exercises you can do;

First of all, warm up; just like any activity, you need to warm up and prep your muscles so that you do not injure yourself.

Shoulder exercises

shoulder strength exercises are crucial for any wheelchair user.

a) lateral raises

These exercises target the abductor muscles of the shoulder. These are the deltoid and the supraspinatus muscles.


keeping your elbows extended, raise your shoulders to the side until they are right in line with the shoulder joint. Hold them in that position for a few seconds then slowly move them back down. You can do this with or without lightweight dumbbells. Repeat this 10 times.

b)Or you can also do another exercise

Technique; Using the handle of a broom, you hold the broom handle with a wide grip and start movements at your shoulders up over your head until you feel a stretch and then back. Do at least 10 repetitions of 3 sets.

c). Overhead presses

What you need; dumbbells or 500ml water bottle

In this exercise, with dumbbells/ water bottles in both hands, you raise your hands at the side of your head, first till 90 degrees(next to your ears) then straight up and back down to the side of your body.

Do 3 sets with 10 repetitions. The weight can increase gradually when you feel up to it.

Core strengthening exercises

Like earlier mentioned, core strength is integral to the easy use of a wheelchair. The core comprises the back and the chest muscles. The following exercises will strengthen your core.

a. Twists


Sit upright, knot your fingers in front of you, and twist from side to side. Turn until you feel a slight tension on the side to which you have turned then turn to the other side. Do this slowly and methodically. Repeat this 10 times. Do 3 sets.

b.Sitting pushUps


While in a seated position, place your palms at your side (palms facing down) on the chair or bench. With the elbows in slight flexion, Use your hands to lift yourself off from the seated position. Do 10 repetitions.

c.Sitting Crunches


Sit upright and place your hands at the back of your head. Suck in your tummy by pulling in your navel then start to crunch down. You should be able to feel this in your abs. Refrain from putting strain on your neck. The movement should only happen at your core. Do 10 repetitions. Do three sets.


Lift your arms overhead while inhaling deeply then lower them back down and exhale. Do 3 repetitions.

Then stretch your hands out in front of you and bow your back, count to 10 then relax. Do this 5 times.

Finish off by thanking your body for what it can do.


1. Get clearance from your doctor first to understand if it is safe for you to get involved in any activity. Your doctor can also point out some activities that you can employ in your routine.

2. Keep an upright posture

keeping the right posture will aid in engaging the muscles of the core that you hope to target.

3. Keep your core tight and don’t sacrifice form for more reps.

Doing more reps may give quick results but if done without the engagement of the core then it becomes useless and can predispose to injury instead.

4. Consistency is key

Rome was not built in one day. You will develop arm strength if you are inconsistent with your routine therefore show up and you will see results in no time.

5. Prioritize time for exercise like you would for any important task; don’t just have it as a by the way.

In conclusion, the more you do the exercises, the stronger you will feel and the more you will feel in control of your life. Finally, there is a lot of power in the statement “disability is not inability”

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