
Exercises that strengthen bones

children running
Author- judith Nassaazi

Not all exercises carry the same weight when it comes to body strengthening, some will rob you of muscle while others will strengthen your muscles.

In orthopedics, there is a famous law known as Wolff’s law which simply states that your bones will adapt depending on the stress or demand you place on them.

When you work or exert your muscles like during a workout or any kind of activity, this stress is transmitted onto the bones and if done consistently, the bones become stronger but that’s not all, exercise also improves coordination and balance reducing the risk of falls, especially in the geriatrics.

In this article, we shall talk broadly about how exercising makes bones stronger.

Bones are the main reservoir of calcium in the body. The strength of bone is measured by bone mineral density which refers to the composition of minerals (predominantly calcium) in the bone.

Best exercises to strengthen bone

Weight-bearing exercises

These exercises involve you working against gravity and challenging your muscles. They include

  • Walking,
  • Running
  • Hiking
  • Tai Chi
  • Dancing.

These exercises need to be done consistently and for a while in order to have lasting effects. The frequency could vary from 3 times a week for 1 hour and done for over a year.

Resistance exercise

In these exercises, the joints are moved against some kind of resistance. These can be done with free weights, machines, or using the weight of your body.

Are aerobic exercises better than strength training or vice versa?

All exercises are important and they offer cumulative benefits. The goal is to stay active. Aerobic exercises will continue to keep you fit and preserve a healthy heart. Strength training exercises maintain your muscle bulk which is what protects your bones.

Many people shun strength training for fear of becoming bulky. You need not think like this.

Do I need to stop being active at some age?

Activity is important for all ages. Of course, the kind of exercise will start to vary based on your age. In many scientific studies, it’s shown that geriatrics who exercised were seen to have more bone density in their lumbar spine and femur bones than their sedentary counterparts.

In addition, more exercise translates into improved strength and coordination and less risk of fragility bone fractures.

When to exercise caution

There are some scenarios where you need to exercise caution as you consider before you exercise. In these cases, it is best to seek permission from your doctor before you start your exercise routine.

  • After sustaining a fracture.

When you break your bone, it is time to rest your limb and protect it from any kind of stress as it heals. Therefore this may be the worst time to exercise that limb.

  • If you have severe osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease of bone fragility. Some exercises could prove unsafe in this condition and put you in harm’s way or fracture’s way in this case. Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise.

In conclusion, exercise is good for bone health, and to maintain strong bones, you will need to maintain an active lifestyle that involves both aerobic and strength training exercises.

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