what is paralysis?
Paralysis refers to weakness or loss of power of a certain body part. You should be able to differentiate the terms -paresis and -plegia where plegia means you have lost both sensation (ability to feel) and power in the extremity and paresis means you have lost power but sensation is present. In this article we will describe the different types of paralysis.
Though in some instances you will hear people use these two interchangeably.
Paralysis can follow a stroke, infection, tumors and traumatic injury to the brain, the spinal cord or a nerve.
Types of paralysis
These are arranged in order of increasing severity;
Monoplegia refers to the paralysis of an isolated body part. This paralysis involves either only one leg or arm or even half of the face.
It commonly involves the upper extremities. The symptoms of monoplegia often include weakness with absent or impaired sensation in that part, pain that is burning in nature and later on there could be spasticity of that extremity.
In some instances monoplegia is the first presentation of an ongoing or progressing condition.
Individuals who have monoplegia tend to have a better prognosis that other types of paralysis.
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Hemiparesis is the type of paralysis that affects half of the body.That is, either left side alone or right side alone.
Aside from the pain ,weakness and the altered sensation, there will also be impairment in balance. In chronic (longstanding )cases, there will be a marked reduction in the size of the arm and leg on the affected side.
3. Paraparesis
Paraplegia is a type of paralysis with weakness in the lower extremities (legs) with power in the arms.
Paraglegia commonly follows a problem in the spinal cord though it can also be secondary to a problem in the brain.
4. Quadriplegia or tetraplegia
Quad comes from Latin meaning four. Quadriplegia refers to paralysis with weakness of all the four limbs. Therefore there is involvement of the upper extremities and the lower extremities plus the trunk.
Quadriplegia is the worst of all the types of paralysis in relation to prognosis. These individuals will often be bed-ridden and have poor control of both the bladder and bowel functions.
In conclusion, paralysis can follow problems in the brain or the spinal cord. They are sub categorised depending on the extent of injury.